Actuarial insights into industry trends

Actuarial insights into industry trends

Unique insights into the most pressing issues facing the insurance industry

MIB Industry Studies

MIB delivers analysis and insights to help carriers and industry partners address critical industry challenges. 

Proven expertise with complex life insurance data

Carriers and industry partners, such as the Society of Actuaries, rely on MIB to provide assistance in solving the most pressing risk management issues by conducting primary research and analysis. With over 30 years’ of experience delivering experience studies for the benefit of the life insurance industry, we have the technology and capabilities to partner with you when you need research, data, or analysis. 

Our consulting services can help address industry challenges, from understanding mortality trends to benchmark studies and more. Our talented group of actuaries, analysts, data coordinators and developer/programmers are ready to work with you to help provide insights into complex issues. 

Insurance Studies
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